Inclusion Support
The Inclusion Support program supports children with low, moderate or high needs in areas of social, emotional, cognitive, behavioural and physical learning. Education Adjustment Plans, drafted by class teachers and the Inclusion Support Coordinator, with input from therapists, enable identified children to learn more effectively in mainstream classes on modified tasks. Inclusion Support Assistants and Teacher Assistants provide some classroom support for identified children in mainstream classrooms and small group withdrawal for specific programs. These programs are implemented under the direction of theInclusion Support Coordinator.
- Therapists - The Catholic Education Office employs a Psychologist, Speech Pathologist and an Occupational Therapist for individual assessments and consultations.
- English as an Additional Language/ Dialect (EAL/D) - EAL/D students are supported within mainstream classes and where necessary they are tracked against the Australian Curriculum EAL/D learning progression proficiency.